For men
Men's haircut – 75 minutes (new style)
booking duration 01:15
Includes a thorough consultation, a haircut to create a new style, a head massage, and styling according to your preference.
Men's haircut – 60 minutes
booking duration 01:00
Includes a haircut, a relaxing head massage, and styling according to your preference.
Men's haircut – 45 minutes (express service)
booking duration 00:45
Includes washing, cutting, and drying.
Men + Child (under 10) haircut's
booking duration 01:30
Scalp Care Peeling Apaisant
booking duration 00:15
Hair cut service supplement. A deep cleansing treatment for sensitive and dandruff scalps. Natural enzymes and gentle acids gently cleanse the scalp and balance the skin's PH.
Toning men’s hair
booking duration 00:15
Price included to other procedures
For children
Boys under 10
booking duration 00:30
Ei sisalda juuste hooldust (pesu)
Girls under 10
booking duration 00:30
Ei sisalda juuste hooldust (pesu)
Formal hairstyle
booking duration 00:45
Formal hairstyle Copy 1
booking duration 00:15
Sasipea Konsultatsioon juuksuriga
Sasipea S.O.S
booking duration 00:15
Before a major color or cut, book a consultation to make sure we achieve the result you’re looking for!
Hairdresser Consultation with Test Foil
booking duration 01:00
If you're planning a major color or hairstyle change, book a consultation in advance. Together, we'll discuss your ideas and expectations to find the perfect solution for you. We'll also do a test foil to ensure the ideal result! The material cost is added to the service.
Woman's sets
Haircut and colouring (shoulder length hair) Copy 1
booking duration 02:30
Sobib juukse väljakasvu värvimiseks ja toonivärskenduseks. Ei sisalda mitmevärvitehnikaid ega triibutamist. Lisandub materjalikulu.
Haircut and colouring (long hair) Copy 1
booking duration 03:00
Sobib juukse väljakasvu värvimiseks ja toonivärskenduseks. Ei sisalda mitmevärvitehnikaid ega triibutamist. Lisandub materjalikulu.
Haircut + haircare Copy 1
booking duration 01:45
Hairdresser selects a special care for your hair. *Oil Therapy haircare adds material cost (0.1 € / g)
For women
Women’s haircut Copy 1 Copy 1
booking duration 01:30
Sisaldab põhjalikku konsultatsiooni, lõikust uue stiili loomiseks, peamassaaži ja viimistlust vastavalt soovile.
Women’s haircut Copy 1
booking duration 01:00
Sisaldab lõikust, lõõgastavat peamassaaži ja viimistlust vastavalt soovile.
Women’s haircut Copy 1 Copy 1 Copy 1
booking duration 00:45
Suitable for trimming the ends. Includes hair washing and light drying.
Scalp Care Peeling Apaisant.
booking duration 00:15
Hair cut service supplement. A deep cleansing treatment for sensitive and dandruff scalps. Natural enzymes and gentle acids gently cleanse the scalp and balance the skin's PH.
Fringe trim
booking duration 00:15
Haircare for women
Scalp Care Peeling Apaisant.
booking duration 00:45
Hair cut service supplement. A deep cleansing treatment for sensitive and dandruff scalps. Natural enzymes and gentle acids gently cleanse the scalp and balance the skin's PH.
Luxury hair repair treatment in three steps for stressed and damaged hair
booking duration 00:45
Luxurious, pure and effective treatment for hair, restores elasticity, silky volume and healthy glow
Täiuslik hooldus pikkadele juustele
booking duration 01:00
Teenus pakub intensiivset hooldust, mis taastab ja kaitseb pikki juukseid juurtest otsteni. Rikkalike toitainete ja tõhusate koostisosade abil suurendab see juuste elastsust, vähendab purunemist ning tagab läikivad ja terved juuksed.
Terviklik juuste ja peanaha hooldus
booking duration 01:00
Hooldus ühendab sügava peanaha koorimise ja intensiivse juuksehoolduse. Tõhus juuksehooldus taaselustab kuivad ja kahjustatud juuksed, pakkudes neile elujõudu ja pehmust.
Haircare Botox Effect System for shoulder-length hair
booking duration 01:00
The botox effect reconstruction system to restructure, plump and deeply repair bleached, damaged, weakened and brittle hair
Haircare Botox Effect System Copy 1
booking duration 01:15
The botox effect reconstruction system to restructure, plump and deeply repair bleached, damaged, weakened and brittle hair
Intensive moisturizing treatment for shoulder-length hair
booking duration 01:00
Nourishing treatment for dry, damaged hair. Restores hair elasticity, shine, and softness. The price is final and includes material costs.
Intensive moisturizing treatment Copy 1
booking duration 01:15
Nourishing treatment for dry, damaged hair. Restores hair elasticity, shine, and softness. The price is final and includes material costs.
Hair coloring for women
Darkening regrowth with deeper tones and gray coverage.
booking duration 01:45
Coloring regrowth up to 2 cm. For regrowth highlighting, please select the highlighting service. Material cost is additional.
Lightening or bleaching hair regrowth.
booking duration 02:00
Lightening or bleaching regrowth up to 2 cm, including treatment and toning. For regrowth highlighting, please select the highlighting service. Material cost is additional.
Coloring for hair up to shoulder length or fine hair.
booking duration 02:00
Full-length hair coloring service. This service does not include multi-tone techniques or highlighting. Material cost is additional.
Coloring for long or thick hair.
booking duration 02:30
Full-length hair coloring service. This service does not include multi-tone techniques or highlighting. Material cost is additional.
Bleaching with treatment and toning.
booking duration 03:00
Hair lightening and color correction for an even result. This service does not include multi-tone techniques or highlighting. Material cost is additional.
Colouring in various techniques
booking duration 04:00
(Ombre etc. Using multiple colours. Includes MMC treatment) Price for dye not included
PCC colouring with repairing treatment for hair state and structure Copy 1
booking duration 00:15
Teenus ainult koos värvimisteenusega. Väävlisidemete kaitse ja uuendamine. Säilitab täielikult keratiini koguse juustes. Taastab ja kaitseb juuksepinda.
Hair highlighting for women
Refreshing hair tone (Toning)* Copy 1
booking duration 01:15
Suitable for toning between two dyeing services. Price of material to be added
Haircut Refresh After Highlighting
booking duration 00:30
Service available only as an add-on to highlighting.
Regrowth Highlights Including Hair Treatment and Toning
booking duration 02:45
Regrowth highlighting. Not suitable for special highlighting techniques. Material cost is additional.
Partial and/or Regrowth Highlights Including Hair Treatment and Toning
booking duration 02:30
Partial highlighting with up to 20 foils or regrowth highlighting. Not suitable for special highlighting techniques. Material cost is additional.
Hair highlighting with hair treatment and toning included.
booking duration 03:15
Full-length highlighting for medium or long hair, MMC treatment + toning. Material cost is added to the service.
Colouring in various techniques
booking duration 04:30
Special Techniques: Teasylights, Balayage, Airtouch, Shatush, etc. Material cost is added to the service.
Hairstyles for women
Simple day hairstyle
booking duration 01:00
Vähese viimistlusega lihtne ja mugev lahtine soeng, sobib igapäevaseks kandmiseks.
Simple day hairstyle Copy 1
booking duration 01:15
Lihtne ja mugev, sobib igapäevaseks kandmiseks. Võib olla kas lahtine, pats, hobusesaba või kerge krunn. Ei vaja palju kinnitusi.
Formal hairstyle
booking duration 01:30
Eriliseks sündmuseks loodud efektne ja detailne soeng. Võib olla nii ülespandud kui ka osaliselt lahtine. Kasutatakse rohkem viimistlustooteid.
Consultation for bride (trial hairstyle)
booking duration 01:45
Bridal hairstyle
booking duration 02:00
Bridal hairstyle Copy 1
booking duration 00:15
Sisaldab ühte punutist
Loomulik ja keemiline Sasipea lokiteenused
Partial Perm with Haircut. Suitable for men as well.
booking duration 02:15
A permanent wave created with perm solution for the hair on the crown area. Suitable for young men as well. Includes material cost.
Chemical perm with a haircut (for hair up to shoulder length).
booking duration 02:30
A permanent wave done with a chemical curling solution. Includes material cost.
Juuksurikooli teenused
Õpilase teenus: Otste tasandamine
booking duration 02:00
Pikkade juuste otste tasandamine keskvus 2h
Men's haircut – 60 minutes Copy 1
booking duration 01:45
Includes a haircut, a relaxing head massage, and styling according to your preference.
Darkening regrowth with deeper tones and gray coverage. Copy 1
booking duration 02:45
Coloring regrowth up to 2 cm. For regrowth highlighting, please select the highlighting service. Material cost is additional.
Simple day hairstyle Copy 1
booking duration 02:00
Vähese viimistlusega lihtne ja mugev lahtine soeng, sobib igapäevaseks kandmiseks.
Õpilase teenus: Otste tasandamine Copy 1
booking duration 01:15
Pikkade juuste otste tasandamine keskvus 2h
Refreshing hair tone (Toning)* Copy 1 Copy 1
booking duration 02:30
Suitable for toning between two dyeing services. Price of material to be added
Partial Perm with Haircut. Suitable for men as well. Copy 1
booking duration 03:30
A permanent wave created with perm solution for the hair on the crown area. Suitable for young men as well. Includes material cost.
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Young Hairdresser
Juuksurikooli õpilane Adele
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For children
Ei ole võimalik teostada koos juba valitud teenustega
Sasipea Konsultatsioon juuksuriga
Ei ole võimalik teostada koos juba valitud teenustega
Woman's sets
Ei ole võimalik teostada koos juba valitud teenustega
For women
Ei ole võimalik teostada koos juba valitud teenustega
Haircare for women
Ei ole võimalik teostada koos juba valitud teenustega
Hair coloring for women
Ei ole võimalik teostada koos juba valitud teenustega
Hair highlighting for women
Ei ole võimalik teostada koos juba valitud teenustega
Hairstyles for women
Ei ole võimalik teostada koos juba valitud teenustega
Loomulik ja keemiline Sasipea lokiteenused
Ei ole võimalik teostada koos juba valitud teenustega
Juuksurikooli teenused
Ei ole võimalik teostada koos juba valitud teenustega
Young Hairdresser
Juuksurikooli õpilane Adele
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