Tasuta konsultatsioon
Free consulation and one suitable procedure
booking duration 01:00
Come to the consultation and get to know our services and we will find, what is best for you. For some results it's needed to combine different procedures or go through a course, then our specialist will share good instructions and if needed will instruct new lifstyle changes (diet,exercise), which are very important in reaching your goal. Consultation will go together with a suitable procedure to get to know your body's bigger issues and effectively set a plan towards your goal.(Suitable procedure is set with our price list)
LPG massaaž
LPG massage first session
booking duration 01:00
LPG massage affects subcutaneous skin tissue, which activates surface bloodstream, lymphatic circulation and stimulates lipolysis and metabolism. The purpose of the procedure is to affect the work of organism through skin- mechanical simulation. Problematic areas get ore attention (hips, stomach, bottom etc).
LPG massage
booking duration 01:00
LPG massaaž mõjutab nahaaluskude, mis elavdab pindmist vereringet, lümfiringet ning stimuleerib lipolüüsi ja ainevahetust. Taastab kudedes võime eemaldada jääkaineid, stimuleerib vereringet ning aitab samal ajal töödelda kogu keha lihaseid ja nahka ning nahaaluskudet. Rohkem tähelepanu pööratakse probleemsematele piirkondadele (puusad, kõht, tuharad jne.). Efektiivne viis lisaks liigeste- ja peavalude puhul ka väsimuse, stressi ja unehäirete puhul, mis on ainevahetuse, vere- ja lümfiringe- ning seedimisega seotud probleemid. Protseduuri aeg 45 minutit (seanss algab täistunnist ning lõppeb 45 minutit hiljem), soovi korral ka mõõtude võtmine ja piltide tegemine millest teavitada spetsialisti enne protseduuri algust.
LPG Recovering figure after pregnancy
booking duration 01:00
Massage recovers ability to eliminate toxins in your tissues, stimulates bloodstream and recovers you before pregnancy figure faster. Massage is suitable after at least 7 months from giving birth or for mothers, who no longer breastfeed.
LPG massage & cavitation
booking duration 02:00
Kavitatsiooni & LPG massaaži kombo sobib Sulle, kui soovid lokaalseid rasvladestusi mitteinvasiivselt töödelda (näiteks kui on probleemiks kõht ja talje; reie välis- ja siseküljed). Madala sagedusega ultrahelilained kutsuvad rasvkoes esile mikromullikeste moodustamise, peale mida lõhustatakse rasvarakku kaitsev membraan, misjärel laguneb rasva säilitamise reservuaar. LPG massaaž kavitatsioonijärgselt on hädavajalik, et jääkaineid väljutava massaaži abil lõhustatud rasvarakk kehast välja liikuma panna. Protseduuri võib teha töödeldavas piirkonnas 1x nädalas ning toimimise ajal ei tohiks naistel esineda menstruatsiooni. (Kavitatsioonijärgselt sobib lõhustatud rasvaraku kehast välja liikumiseks ka rullmassaaž; EMS treening; infrapuna termohooldus).
LUX COMBO: LPG & Infrared mat with active ingredients body lotion
booking duration 02:00
Infrared radiation is transferred as invisible light waves through air and warms up, without warming up the air all around. Resulting that the skin and deeper skin tissues warm up. IP-radiation burns the deeper fat layer. Helps exit residue from your organism, improves muscle tone and is effective cellulite reducer. In calming, yet strong heat, you will feel amazing. Losing weight, less cellulite and swelling and smoother skin. Slimm infrared therapy is performed with 100% natural active ingredients body lotions tat maximize the effect of infrared mat. To maximize results, we recommend combining infrared mat with LPG massage.
LPG massage & Lipo Laser
booking duration 02:00
Lipo Laseri & LPG massaaži kombo sobib Sulle, kui soovid lokaalseid rasvladestusi mitteinvasiivselt töödelda ning töödeldava rasvkudeme kiht on alla 3 cm (näiteks kui on probleemiks kõht ja talje; reie välis- ja siseküljed). Lipo Laser kasutab uut laser-lipolüüsi tehnoloogiat, mis kasutab tselluliiti siluvateks, rasva vähendavateks ning keha ravihooldusteks nõrka laserit. LPG massaaž lipo laseri järgselt on hädavajalik, et jääkaineid väljutava massaaži abil lõhustatud rasvarakk kehast välja liikuma panna. Protseduuri võib teha töödeldavas piirkonnas kuni 2x nädalas, kuid soovitame seda võtta kui lisaprotseduuri põhiprotseduuridele (LPG massaaž; EMS trenn; rullmassaaž) ca 1x nädalas (Lipo laseri järgselt sobib lõhustatud rasvaraku kehast välja liikumiseks ka rullmassaaž; EMS treening; infrapuna termohooldus).
LPG massage & 100% NATURE body wrap
booking duration 02:00
The favourite procedure between our clients is LPG massage, which tones your skin, helps exist toxins, helps against cellulite and relaxes your muscles. The second favourite procedure is body wrap, which leaves you with a more smooth, skinny and moisturized skin.
LUX KOMBO: LPG (keha+nägu) & infrapunamatt
booking duration 02:00
3 teenust 2h vältel. Esmalt samaaegselt infrapuna + LPG näohooldus ja peale seda LPG kehahooldus. Infrapuna kiirgus kandub nähtamatute valguslainetena läbi õhu ja soojendab ilma ümbritsevat õhku kütmata. Selle tulemusel soojenevad nahk ja nahaalused koed. IP-kiirgus põletab nahaalust rasvakihti, vaatamata sellele, et ümbritsev temperatuur on natuke üle 35 kraadi. Aitab organismist välja viia jääkaineid, parandab lihaste toonust ning on tõhus (erinevate lümfisüsteemi häirete puhul) tselluliidi vähendaja. Rahustavas, kuid samas piisavas kuumuses tunned end meeliülendavalt. Kilode kadumine, vähenenud tselluliit ja paistetus ning elastsem ja siledam nahk. SLIMM infrapunateraapiat teostatakse koos 100% naturaalseid aktiivtoimaineid sisaldavate kehavõietega mis maksimaliseerivad jääkainete väljutamise tulemusi ning naha struktuuri parandamist (valikus erinevad kehavõided mis valitakse personaalselt vastavalt vajadustele). Maksimaalsemate tulemuste saavutamiseks teostatakse infrapunamatti koos väljutava massaaži LPG massaaž-iga (soovitatav neile, kes alustavad LPG massaaži kuuri või kellel on esmased korrad olnud valulikud ning spetsialist on kombineerimist soovitanud).
LPG Anti Aging facial Gold & Caviar
booking duration 01:00
LPG facial treatment stimulates the facial skin and allows skin rejuvenation without surgical intervention. As a result of the treatment course, the amount of collagen and elastin in the subcutaneous tissue increases. The skin becomes softer, tightens and wrinkles are smoothed. In anti-aging care, we combine the Bebare Luxury Gold & Caviar line, which is Bebare's signature care. Treatments enriched with gold were already part of Cleopatra's beauty rituals. The effect of gold on the skin is rejuvenating and skin strengthening. Caviar contains minerals, vitamins, lipids and proteins. All these wonderful active ingredients renew, moisturize and nourish the skin.
LPG kehahooldus & LPG näohooldus järjest
booking duration 02:00
Infrapuna + LPG keha- ja näohoolduse kombo(3 teenust 2h vätel, samaaegselt infrapuna +LPG näohooldus ja seejärel LPG kehahooldus) sobib Sulle, kui soovid nii kehale kui ka näole korraliku värskenduse teha ning efektiivsemaks aja kasutuseks saadaval kolm hooldust nüüd kahe tunniga. Kui oled kimpus selliste ilu & tervisemuredega nagu tursed ja nn bloating; liigne vedelik; tsellulit ja nahaebatasasused; liigsed jääkained kehas või hoopis kroonilised kaela- ja seljavalud; probleemid nagu reumatoidartriit, osteoartoos; lihasvalud või krambid ning LPG näohoolduse näidustustest soovid stimuleerida, modelleerida ja pinguldada näonahka mitteinvasiivselt, siis see kombo on ideaalne! Üks klientide pikaaegseid lemmikuid.
LUX COMBO: LPG face & Infrared mat (at the same time)
booking duration 00:45
LPG facial treatment and infrared thermotherapy for the body at the same time. The procedure helps remove waste products from the body, improves muscle tone and is an effective cellulite reducer (for various lymphatic system disorders). You will feel uplifted in the soothing, yet sufficient heat. The result is weight loss, reduced cellulite and swelling, and more elastic and smoother skin. In SLIMM, infrared therapy is carried out with body creams containing 100% natural active ingredients that maximize the results of excreting waste products and improving the skin structure (different body creams are available, which are selected personally according to needs).
Füsioteraapia (LPG massaaž nõustamise ja konsultatsiooniga)
booking duration 01:00
Terapeutilise LPG massaaži ning nõustamise ja konsultatsiooni eesmärgiks on mõjutada vere- ja lümfiringet, lihaskonda ja teisi pehmeid kudesid probleemses kehapiirkonnas. Teraapia toimel vähenevad lihaspinged ja paraneb verevarustus suurendades antud piirkonnas vereringet, vähendades efektiivselt piimhappe taset ja lihasjäikust. Hooldus muudab keha liikumise optimaalseks, stimuleerib passiivselt lihaseid ja varustab neid hädavajalike toitainetega.
Physiotherapy (Infrared thermal treatment & LPG massage with advice and consultation).
booking duration 02:00
Physiotherapy (Infrared thermal treatment & LPG massage with advice and consultation).
EMS treening
EMS treening kolmene inimesele korraga (novembris võta mees(sõbrad) TASUTA kaasa)
booking duration 01:00
EMS treening kolmene inimesele korraga. Novembris saad võtta mees(sõpru) tasuta kaasa, iga mees saab tulla ühe korra.
EMS training (first session)
booking duration 01:00
EMS training relieves back pain, impoves muscle balance, burns fat, supports post-injury healing, increases maximum strength indicators and is also perfect for a person with a fast pace of life. Training clothes, towel and washing facilities provided by us.
EMS personaltraining
booking duration 01:00
EMS personal training. During the training, the trainer focuses only on you. EMS personal training is suitable for you if, for example, there are problems that require a physiotherapeutic/specific approach.
EMS training
booking duration 01:00
EMS training, where there might be another person training at the same time. Pair trainings have always been a good opportunity for both people working out, less opportunities to skip exercises and mutual motivation. The training is still very personal, since there are maximum two people working out at the same time.
EMS training with a partner
booking duration 01:00
Booking for two trainers at the same time
UUS! Krüolipolüüs ehk krüoteraapia
Krüolipolüüs 1 tsoon (1-2 otsikut)
booking duration 02:00
Krüolipolüüs 1 tsoon ühele piirkonnale (1-2 otsikut), iga järgnev e alates kolmandast otsikust 1 tsoon 50€. Kui soovite töödelda mitu piirkonda (näiteks kõht ja jalad), siis valige 2 tsooni teenus.
Krüolipolüüs 2 tsooni
booking duration 02:00
2 piirkonda, 3-4 otsikut korraga. Krüolipolüüs LPG endermoloogilise massaažiga kehale (2 tsooni, ehk näiteks kõht ja jalad)
Krüolipolüüs LPG massaažiga (3 tsooni; 5-6 otsikut)
booking duration 03:00
3 piirkonda, 5-6 otsikut, teostatakse esmalt kuni 4 otsikuga ning seejärel järgnevad 2. Krüolipolüüs LPG endermoloogilise massaažiga kehale (3 tsooni, näiteks reie siseküljed; reie välisküljed; kõht). Ideaalne neile, kes sooviksid efektiivselt järjest mitu piirkonda töödelda. PS! Kuna 3 tsooni broneering on umbkaudselt kolmetunnine, siis kehtib sellele protseduurile ettemaks 60€ ning tasuta tühistamine/aja muutmine 48h enne protseduuri algust. Ettemaksu tagastame õigeaegsel tühistamisel/ arvame lõppsummast maha peale protseduuri teostamist. Peale arve tasumist loetakse broneering kehtivaks.
Krüolipolüüs 1 väike tsoon (lõug)
booking duration 01:00
Krüolipolüüs 1 tsoon
booking duration 01:00
1-2 otsikut kui on tarvis teha näiteks käed, põlved, kaenlaaluse voldid abaluu piirkond.
LUX KOMBO: RF-dermolifting & Infrapuna termoteraapia kehale (samal ajal)
booking duration 01:00
(1h - 2 teenust)
RF-Dermolifting (Gold & Bee venom mask)
booking duration 01:00
RF waves cause partial denaturation, twisting and contraction of the collagen framework, an increase in skin density, ensuring a visual lifting-skin tightening effect.
RF-Lifting (body)
booking duration 01:00
The effect of RF-lifting is that the middle and lower layers of the skin are affected by radio waves, which helps to tighten and rejuvenate the skin. The mechanism triggered by radio waves leads to the production of active collagen and elastin, which helps to reduce the fat layer under the skin and restores the elasticity of the skin. In addition, RF-lifting improves blood supply, which helps remove toxins and waste products from the body. RF-lifting is one of the safest, most effective and fastest ways to rejuvenate the skin. The result is an immediate lifting effect and improvement of skin elasticity (including stretch marks and varicose veins).
Roll massage & Gerard's Reducing Cellulite Thermo-Active Cream
booking duration 01:00
Roll massage and thermo-active cellulite massage cream, Gerard's Reducing Cellulite Thermo-Active Cream with a very strong cellulite-removing effect. Enables the reabsorption of toxic substances deposited under the tissues of cellulite. It consists of valuable active substances and is emulsified with valuable vegetable oils. Thermoactive slimming cream. Silhouette modeling cream with local fat-reducing and slimming effect. The cream reduces fluid retention by improving tissue tone, and vegetable collagen makes the skin more elastic and flexible. The thermoactive effect of the cream accelerates the absorption of active substances, reactivates peripheral microcirculation, breaks down fat quickly and makes the skin soft and toned. Not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding and for people with fragile veins or capillaries. Please arrive about 10 minutes before the procedure or the roll massage session will be shortened by five minutes.
Roll massage (first time)
booking duration 01:00
Roll massage (first time) is a new specifically designed mechanical lymphatic massage machine. Instruction guides you through positions for different muscle groups after every 4 minutes. You can control the level of intensity yourself. The massage roll is equipped with infrared lights that warm up your muscles. If you want to come with partner then choose roll massage 2 as new booking. Please come 5-7 minutes before booking time. If you are attending with Stebby then add it to additional information ''with Stebby''
Roll massage
booking duration 01:00
Roll massage is a new specifically designed mechanical lymphatic massage machine. Instruction guides you through positions for different muscle groups after every 4 minutes. You can control the level of intensity yourself. The massage roll is equipped with infrared lights that warm up your muscles. If you want to come with partner then choose roll massage 2 as new booking. Please come 5-7 minutes before booking time. If you are attending with Stebby then add it to additional information ''with Stebby''
LPG hooldus näole
Lipo Laser
booking duration 01:00
Lipo Laser uses a new laser-lipolysis technology that uses a laser for cellulite smoothing, fat reduction and body treatments. Compared to surgical liposuction and other ultrasound or laser techniques, laser lipolysis is much more affordable, although the results are similar. In order to speed up and improve the process of removing the breakdown products of fat cells through the lymphatic circulation, it is recommended to combine lipo laser with LPG, roller massage or EMS training.
booking duration 01:00
An effective, invasive and safe treatment method for reducing the volume of cellulite and excess fat deposits. In order to speed up and improve the process of removing the breakdown products of fat cells through the lymphatic circulation, it is recommended to combine cavitation with LPG, roller massage or EMS training.
Infrared mat with active ingredients body lotion
booking duration 01:00
Infrared therapy, in addition, the infrared energy causes cellular regeneration, replacing older damaged cells will newly generated, healed cells. Due to the intense heat created using infrared energy, patients are able to sweat far more, and release more toxins in a shorter period of time. It also exfoliates both the skin and the body at the same time. By removing harmful toxins, and replenishing the body at a cellular level, patients will generally look and feel better almost instantly. Combine it with LPG massage; roll massage or EMS training for maximizing the results (first choose infrared therapy and then other procedure).
100 % NATURE body wrap
booking duration 01:00
100% natural oil extracts and ingredients in cotton body wrap helps you reduce centimetres, swelling and cellulite. In addition to that it also helps with burning fat and makes your skin smoother and more toned and exits unnecessary fluids in your body.
UUS! Gerard´s BODY WOD salendav trimmiv kehahooldus
booking duration 01:45
Gerards Body Wod revolutsiooniline salendav trimmiv cryo+termo hooldus Tallinnas. Eksklusiivne kolmefaasiline kehahooldus võitleb kõigest ühe seansiga tõhusalt tselluliidi ja rasvapolstri vastu. See taastab kehasilueti ning toniseerib ja pinguldab kudesid. Ülitõhusa toime tagab kahe erakordse toote sünergiline kombinatsioon. Need tooted koos simuleerivad kosmeetilist krüo- ja termolipolüüsi efekti. Hooldus käivitab termilise šoki, mis paneb kehavedelikud liikuma. Sellele järgneb võitlus nahaaluse rasvkoe ja tselluliidiga. Saledam ja rohkem trimmis siluett; vähem tselluliidist kahjustatud nahka; vähem lokaalset keharasva; silmanähtavalt siledam, hapnikuga varustatud ja pringim nahk. Keskmiselt 12 cm kaob kõigest ühe seansiga!
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Kui Sa endale sobivat aega ei leidnud, siis anna sobivatest päevadest/aegadest meile teada (info@slimm.ee ) ning lisame Su ootelisti või proovime sobivama aja leida.
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Berit Einsalu
EMS treening 2
Berit Einsalu - krüolipolüüs
Jan Kuuskman
Eleri Laanemets
Elis Laurimäe
Anete Mootse
Eva Maria Ojamäe
Maria Prii
Kendra Sootla
EMS treening
Tasuta konsultatsioon
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LPG massaaž
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EMS treening
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UUS! Krüolipolüüs ehk krüoteraapia
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Ei ole võimalik teostada koos juba valitud teenustega
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LPG hooldus näole
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Berit Einsalu
EMS treening 2
Berit Einsalu - krüolipolüüs
Jan Kuuskman
Eleri Laanemets
Elis Laurimäe
Anete Mootse
Eva Maria Ojamäe
Maria Prii
Kendra Sootla
EMS treening
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Infrared mat with active ingredients body lotion
booking duration 01:00